@revista_internacional{1013, author = {Zhen-Song Chen and Yi Yang and LeSheng Jin and Bapi Dutta and Luis Martínez and Witold Pedrycz and Radko Mesiar and Humberto Bustince}, title = {Generalized extended Bonferroni means for isomorphic membership grades}, abstract = {The generalized extended Bonferroni mean (GEBM) is a powerful tool for modeling the complex process of aggregating information, whether it is homogeneously or heterogeneously connected, within a composite aggregation structure. It maintains several favorable characteristics and effectively captures the diverse and interconnected nature of expert opinions or criteria, which is commonly observed in various decision-making contexts. This research expands upon the existing GEBM framework by applying it to the specific domains of q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (g-ROFSs) and extended g-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (Eg-ROFSs). Furthermore, it examines the transformation processes among different variants of GEBMs. To facilitate the development of generalized aggregation functions, the de Morgan triplets for g-ROFSs and Eg-ROFSs are established. By introducing an isomorphism, the transformation relationship between the aggregation functions for g-ROFSs and Eg-ROFSs is analyzed. Based on this foundation, the Bonferroni mean de Morgan triplet-based GEBMs for g-ROFSs and Eg-ROFSs are proposed, and the keeping-order relations for these proposed GEBMs are discussed. Finally, several special cases of the GEBMs for g-ROFSs and Eg-ROFSs are obtained, and several relevant theorems are verified.}, year = {2024}, journal = {FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS}, volume = {488}, month = {JUL 15}, issn = {0165-0114}, doi = {10.1016/j.fss.2024.109009}, }