
Welcome to FLINTSTONES website! Fuzzy LINguisTic DeciSion TOols eNhacemEnt Suite - FLINTSTONES

In this website, you can find all the information related to the fuzzy linguistic decision tool enhancement suite (FLINTSTONES) that is a software tool to solve linguistic decision making problems based on the 2-tuple linguistic model and its extensions, carrying out a linguistic decision analysis scheme and providing linguistic results to facilitate human beings their comprehension.

A detailed description of the theoretical aspects of the FLINTSTONES software tool is shown in the section Description dataset. In FLINTSTONES website, the Software Tool dataset is available to download as well as some Datasets dataset of decision making problems. In order to show the use of the FLINTSTONES software tool, a set of Videos and Tutorials datasetare also included in the website.

FLINTSTONES born on the research group Sinbad² with a double goal: research and educational.
