@congreso_internacional{374, keywords = {Consensus reaching process, context awareness, group decision-making, group recommendation, group recommender systems, tourism}, author = {Jorge Castro and óscar García and Luis Martínez}, title = {CLG-REJA: A Consensus Location-aware group recommender system for Restaurants}, abstract = {
 The need of support by users for finding out right items in overloaded search spaces is very important in many activities nowadays. One of the activities in which such support is highly demanded is in tourism because tourists visit new scenic places and want to get the best experiences in a limited time. For supporting such needs the use of Recommender Systems have provided good results, but due to the fact that tourism is usually a social activity tourists visit places in groups and demand items and information everywhere and any time. Therefore, the support demanded to Recommender Systems has evolved to Context-Aware and Group Recommendations Systems that is much more challenging. The group recommendations should satisfy all group members, though most proposals do not guarantee that the group recommendation has a high agreement level amongst the group members. Therefore in this contribution is proposed a location-awareness group recommender system that provide recommendations according to the location context of the group and additionally such recommendations are computed to obtain a high agreement among the group members by using a consensus reaching process. The system is implemented by extending a restaurant recommender system REJA (REstaurants of JAén).
}, year = {2015}, journal = {ACM Conference Series on RecSys15, TouRS15 workshop, Vienna (Austria), September 20th}, pages = {61-69}, }