Tianrui Li received his B.S. degree, M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Southwest Jiaotong University, China in 1992, 1995 and 2002 respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK • CEN), Belgium from 2005-2006, a visiting professor at Hasselt University, Belgium in 2008, the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia in 2009 and the University of Regina, Canada in 2014. And, he is presently a Professor and the Director of the Key Lab of Cloud Computing and Intelligent Technique of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. Since 2000, he has co-edited 3 books, 12 proceedings, 8 special issues of international journals, received 1 Chinese invention patent and published over 150 research papers (e.g., IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Information Science) in refereed journals and conferences. Five papers was included in ESI ISI database. He serves as area editor of IJCIS (SCI), editor of KBS (SCI), etc. He has served as ISKE2007-2015, CRSSC2015, CWI2014, JRS2012 program chairs, IEEE HPCC 2015, GrC 2009 program vice chairs and RSKT2008, FLINS2010 organizing chairs, etc. and has been a reviewer for several leading academic journals. He is a senior member of IEEE, CCF, CAI, Chair of IEEE CIS Chengdu Chapter and CCF YOCSEF Chengdu Chair (2013-2014).
For more information, please visit the website of our lab: http://sist.swjtu.edu.cn/ccit.