Research Applications
Software tool that implements the 2-tuple linguistic model to solve linguistic decision making problems under uncertainty and its extensions to deal with complex frameworks such as multi-granular linguistic frameworks, heterogeneous frameworks and unbalanced linguistic frameworks.
AFRYCA (A FRamework for the analYsis of Consensus Approaches) is a research-oriented software framework, for the study of different Consensus Models proposed by a variety of authors in specialized literature. The main goal of consensus models is to provide support and guidelines for conducting Consensus Reaching Processes (CRPs), in the resolution of Group Decision Making (GDM) problems.
Application of I+D Project: "Optimizing Treatment of Lung Cancer by no Microlítico Characterization of a Bayesian Network and System Development Aid Decision Making: Modelling, Simulation and Validation"
MSPEV is a management tool for performance evaluation processes 360º in which heterogeneous information (numerical and linguistic interval) use and where the evaluation criteria may be related.
OL-Radio (Collaborative Online Radio under Creative Commons License) is a collaborative Internet radio broadcasting and recommends users songs, all under Creative Commons.
REJA (Geo-referenced Restaurant Recommender System in Jaén) is a web recommendation system of restaurants throughout the province of Jaén. Its internal operation is extremely complex but what you really want is the following: you can receive recommendations for restaurants across the province that can assure and we assure, will be of your entire taste.