Bapi Dutta, Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Luis Martínez Which Prioritization Method is Better for Deriving Priority from Best-Worst Preferences? A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis.
«Which Prioritization Method is Better for Deriving Priority from Best-Worst Preferences? A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis.», in In The Fourtth International Workshop on Best-Worst Method (BWM-2023), Delft, The Netherlands, 08-09 June , 2023.
2023 Certificate of Attendance BWM_Diego.pdf105.7 KB
Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Selection of Circular Economy Indicators through a Large-scale Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Model
«Selection of Circular Economy Indicators through a Large-scale Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Model», in 13th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2023, Palma (Spain), September 4-8th, 2023, p. 40.
2023-Labella et al-EUSFLAT.pdf3.58 MB
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez A metric to evaluate linguistic consensus-reaching processes.
«A metric to evaluate linguistic consensus-reaching processes.», in 13th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT 2023 and 12th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators AGOP 2023, Palma, Spain 4-8 September 2023, 2023.
2023 EUSFLAT - Book_0.pdf2.23 MB
Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez An Automatic Linguistic Consensus Model for Sustainability
«An Automatic Linguistic Consensus Model for Sustainability», in The 18th international Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2023), Fuzhou (China), November 17-19, 2023.
10.1109/ISKE60036.2023.10481285 2023-Labella et al-ISKE.pdf3.7 MB
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez A Framework for the Selection of Indicators through Fuzzy Thresholds: A Circular Economy Application
«A Framework for the Selection of Indicators through Fuzzy Thresholds: A Circular Economy Application», in The 18th international Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2023), Fuzhou (China), November 17-19), 2023.
10.1109/ISKE60036.2023.10481032 2023-García-Zamora et al-ISKE.pdf1.2 MB


Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Fuzzy TODIM for ELICIT Information.
«Fuzzy TODIM for ELICIT Information.», in International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2022), Istanbul (Turkey), July 19-21, 2022.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09173-5_48 2022-INFUS Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems- ELICIT TODIM-paper-compressed_0.pdf1.65 MB
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Models for ELICIT Information.
«Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Models for ELICIT Information.», in In 2022 Word Congress on Computational Intelligence - IEEE WCCI2022, Padua, Italy 18-23 July , 2022.
2021 FUZZ-IEEE proceedings.pdf1.06 MB
Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez A Consensus-based Best-Worst Method for Multi-criteria Group Decision-Making
«A Consensus-based Best-Worst Method for Multi-criteria Group Decision-Making», in Best-Worst Method Workshop 2022, Delf, Netherlands 9-10 June, 2022.
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus for Analyzing the Cost of Different Agreed Solutions
«Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus for Analyzing the Cost of Different Agreed Solutions», in 15th International FLINS Conference on Machine Learnng, Multi agent and Cyber physical systems and the 17th International ISKE Conference (FLINS/ISKE 2022) Tianjin (China) 26-28 August , 2022.
2022 ISKE proceedings.pdf636.24 KB
Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Wen He, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Grouping representative points in AHP-FuzzySort with agglomerative hierarchical clustering.
« Grouping representative points in AHP-FuzzySort with agglomerative hierarchical clustering.», in The International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP2022), Online, December 15-18, 2022.
http://dx.doi.org/10.13033/isahp.y2022.045 2022-Labella et al-AHP.pdf630.27 KB
Diego García-Zamora, Luis Martínez Flexible-Dimensional EVR-OWA as Mean Estimator for Symmetric Distributions
«Flexible-Dimensional EVR-OWA as Mean Estimator for Symmetric Distributions», in The 19th International Conference On Information Processing And Management Of Uncertainty In Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2022), Milan (Italy), July 11-15, 2022.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08971-8_2 Ipmu2020.pdf3.65 MB


Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez An Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator based on Extreme Values Reductions
«An Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator based on Extreme Values Reductions», in The 19th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association The 12th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology jointly with the AGOP, IJCRS, and FQAS conferences, September 19-24, Bratislava (Slovakia),,, 2021.
10.2991/asum.k.210827.039 2021 IFSA2021-ACTAS.pdf326.9 KB
Álvaro Labella, Diego García-Zamora, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez A Novel Linguistic Cohesion Measure based on Restricted Equivalence Functions for Weighting Experts’ subgroups in Large-scale Group Decision Making Problems
«A Novel Linguistic Cohesion Measure based on Restricted Equivalence Functions for Weighting Experts’ subgroups in Large-scale Group Decision Making Problems», in International Virtual Workshop on Business Analytics Eureka, 2-4th June, Ciudad Juarez (México), 2021.
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Modelling non linear preferences in Consensus Reaching Processes. A sustainability application
«Modelling non linear preferences in Consensus Reaching Processes. A sustainability application», in 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 26-28 November, Chengdu (China), 2021.
Diego García-Zamora, Álvaro Labella, Rosa María Rodríguez, Luis Martínez Non Linear Scales in GDM: Extreme Values Amplifications.
« Non Linear Scales in GDM: Extreme Values Amplifications.», in In International Virtual Workshop on Business Analytics Eureka, 2-4 Junio, Ciudad Juarez (México) , 2021.
2021 14 Non linear Eureka´s Paper Certificate UACJ 2021.pdf767.49 KB