Luis Gonzaga Pérez, Francisco Mata, Angel Luis García, Carmen Martínez-Cruz, Carlos Porcel
Methods to increase student engagement in the subject computer science
“Methods to increase student engagement in the subject computer science”, in 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Edulearn14, Barcelona, España, 2014, pp. 4449-4458.
A.G López, S Alonso, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Carlos Porcel
Using a Visual Tool to Guide Students in the Complex Process of Learning Fuzzy Weighted Information Retrieval System
LopezHerrera2010_INTED.pdf265.27 KB
“Using a Visual Tool to Guide Students in the Complex Process of Learning Fuzzy Weighted Information Retrieval System”, 2010, pp. 361-370.
Carlos Porcel, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, M.J Lizarte
A linguistic recommender system for university digital libraries to help students in their learning processes
Porcel2009_EDULEARN.pdf276.39 KB
“A linguistic recommender system for university digital libraries to help students in their learning processes”, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 3590-3600.
Juan Manuel Moreno, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, A.G López, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Carlos Porcel
Application of a student-oriented software tool to improve the learning of fuzzy information retrieval systems
Moreno2009_EDULEARN_C.pdf385.08 KB
“Application of a student-oriented software tool to improve the learning of fuzzy information retrieval systems”, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 2524-2532.
Carlos Porcel, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
A fuzzy linguistic recommender system to disseminate the own academic resources in universities
Porcel2009_IEEE.pdf199.93 KB
“A fuzzy linguistic recommender system to disseminate the own academic resources in universities”, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 179-182.
Carlos Porcel, M.J Lizarte, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
A linguistic recommender system for university digital libraries to help users in their research resources accesses
Porcel2009_MCIS.pdf461.44 KB
“A linguistic recommender system for university digital libraries to help users in their research resources accesses”, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 1574-1584.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Carlos Porcel
Using incomplete fuzzy linguistic preference relations to characterize user profiles in recommender systems
HerreraViedma2009_ISDA.pdf230.86 KB
“Using incomplete fuzzy linguistic preference relations to characterize user profiles in recommender systems”, 2009, pp. 90-95.
J.M. Morales, Carlos Porcel, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, E. Peis
A web-based service for the elicitation of resources in the biomedical domain
Morales2009_IEEE.pdf347.77 KB
“A web-based service for the elicitation of resources in the biomedical domain”, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 433-436.
Carlos Porcel, A.G López, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
A Recommender System to Promote Collaborative Research Groups in an Academic Context
GarciaCabrera2001_EUROCAST.pdf575.82 KB
“A Recommender System to Promote Collaborative Research Groups in an Academic Context”, 2008, pp. 775-780.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, A.G López, S Alonso, Carlos Porcel, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo
A Linguistic Multi-level Weighted Query Language to Represent User Information Needs
HerreraViedma2007_IEEE.pdf431.25 KB
“A Linguistic Multi-level Weighted Query Language to Represent User Information Needs”, 2007, pp. 1321-1326.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Carlos Porcel, S Alonso, A.G López
A Personalized Information Filtering System for Research Resources based on Multi-Granular Fuzzy Linguistic Modeling
Porcel2007_EUROFUSE.pdf125.99 KB
“A Personalized Information Filtering System for Research Resources based on Multi-Granular Fuzzy Linguistic Modeling”, 2007, pp. 111-116.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, A.G López, Carlos Porcel
S-LOWA Operators to Model the Boolean Connectives in Fuzzy Linguistic Queries
HerreraViedma2007_AGOP.pdf2.94 MB
“S-LOWA Operators to Model the Boolean Connectives in Fuzzy Linguistic Queries”, 2007, pp. 113-118.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, A.G López, Carlos Porcel
A Software Tool to Teach the Performance of Fuzzy Information Retrieval Systems based on Weighted Queries
HerreraViedma2007_TLIR.pdf2.72 MB
“A Software Tool to Teach the Performance of Fuzzy Information Retrieval Systems based on Weighted Queries”, 2007, pp. 25-33.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, A.G López, Carlos Porcel
A Tool to Weigh the Connectives of Queries in a Linguistic Information Retrieval System
HerreraViedma2007_EUROFUSE.pdf138.28 KB
“A Tool to Weigh the Connectives of Queries in a Linguistic Information Retrieval System”, 2007, pp. 1-6.
S Alonso, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Carlos Porcel, A.G López
Using Visualization Tools to Guide Consensus in Group Decision Making
Alonso2007_WILF.pdf394.41 KB
“Using Visualization Tools to Guide Consensus in Group Decision Making”, 2007, vol. 4578, pp. 77-85.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Carlos Porcel, A.G López, S Alonso, A Zafra
Improving the User-System Interaction in a Web Multi-agent System Using Fuzzy Multi-granular Linguistic Information
HerreraViedma2006_FQAS.pdf1.52 MB
“Improving the User-System Interaction in a Web Multi-agent System Using Fuzzy Multi-granular Linguistic Information”, 2006, vol. 4027, pp. 390-403.
S Alonso, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Chiclana, Francisco Herrera, Carlos Porcel
Strategies to Manage Ignorance Situations in Multiperson Decision Making Problems
Alonso2006_MDAI.pdf423.8 KB
“Strategies to Manage Ignorance Situations in Multiperson Decision Making Problems”, 2006, vol. 3885, pp. 34-45.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, A.G López, Carlos Porcel
A New Model of Linguistic Weighted Information Retrieval System
HerreraViedma2005_EUSFLAT.pdf301.78 KB
“A New Model of Linguistic Weighted Information Retrieval System”, 2005, pp. 576-581.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Carlos Porcel, A.G López, M.D. Olvera, K Anaya
A Fuzzy Linguistic Multi-Agent Model for Information Gathering on the Web Based on Collaborative Filtering Techniques
HerreraViedma2004_AWIC.pdf190.76 KB
“A Fuzzy Linguistic Multi-Agent Model for Information Gathering on the Web Based on Collaborative Filtering Techniques”, 2004, vol. 3034, pp. 3-12.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, M.D. Olvera, E. Peis, Carlos Porcel
Revisión de los Sistemas de Recomendaciones para la Recuperación de Información
“Revisión de los Sistemas de Recomendaciones para la Recuperación de Información”, 2003, pp. 507-514.